My wife and I were lucky enough to tie the knot at the Elizabethan
Gardens in Manteo, NC while vacationing in the Outer Banks. Since then we have
been vacationing at the same place, during the same week, going on 12 years. It
has become somewhat of a tradition for us and I hope it lasts well into our
twilight years.
For almost as long though, going on 8 years, I have been spending
one week (or a little more) each summer attending Boy Scout (or Cub Scout)
summer camp with one or more of my boys. It has become a special bonding time
with them, away from electronics and distractions, having fun in the outdoors.
Our summers of scout camp have taken us from Maine to North
Carolina and many points in between. Along the way we have visited National
Parks, eaten lobsta(er), zip lined, waterskied, canoed, fished and even climbed
rock walls just to name a few.
As my kids have gotten older it has also become a time to watch
them mature and blossom into young men. A few years ago my oldest son, Ben,
took the trip of a lifetime (without me) out West on a month’s long journey
that culminated in a 10 day backpacking trek at Philmont Scout Ranch.
But over the last few years I have been sticking to Cub Scout
summer camp with Ryley. We have been a few different places but last year
stands out as one of the best times I’ve had going to summer camp.
We decided to head back up to Heritage Scout Reservation in
Farmington, PA. Cub Scout camp is usually shorter than Boy Scout camp (Boy
Scouts stay for a week and Cub Scouts stay between two to four days). So we
decided as a group to stay at Ohiopyle State Park for the beginning of the week
and attend summer camp for the last part of the week. It was the best decision we
Staying at Ohiopyle allowed us the ability to just camp and
explore the surrounding area. We took the kids fishing at Laurel Hill Trout Farm, visited
Fort Necessity National Battlefield, explored Laurel Caverns, and zip-lined and
rode the natural water slide at Ohiopyle. Out of everything we did before
summer camp I think the kids had the most fun fishing, zip-lining and riding
the water slide.
It’s funny the things you take for granted in life. For me it’s
doing things like hunting and fishing. When we arrived at Laurel Hill Trout
Farm I hadn’t even expected that some of these kids had never caught a fish
before. Well they were in for a surprise! I generally don’t like going to trout
farms, trout ponds or any place that doesn’t offer some kind of skillful
challenge. But this wasn’t about me, it was about our scouts and making sure
they had a great time. And boy did they ever.
It was pouring down rain and thus the necessity to find something
fun for the kids to do. The tiny pond was stocked with hundreds of trout and at
times you could cast in an empty hook and have a hit or two. We didn’t fish for
long before the kids had their fill of catching fish. Well, let me be honest,
most kids had their fill, others ran out of money and still others (my son)
could have fished all day if I would have paid for it. It’s at this point that
I must confess that I have created a monster. Ever since Ryley was in Field &
Stream he has become super competitive when it comes to fishing. Add to
that competitiveness that he has landed trophy sized striped bass and muskie at
the age of nine and you can begin to understand why I have my hands full. One of his
best friends ended up catching the biggest fish of the day, a nice
brown trout. But instead of getting mad Ryley just decided that it was cool for
his friend to have the biggest fish of the day, it just meant he had to catch
the most. So sixteen fish later, and $80 less in my wallet, I had a happy son.
The owners there are very nice and they let us take a tour of their small
hatchery. I was impressed with their set up and the size of the fish we caught.
Not wildies, but they had lots of fight in them! Success!
With the added rain we had all week long it was a bit difficult to
let the kids go down the water slide. The stream that supplies the water slide
was elevated and had a swift current. But the kids wouldn’t relent so we packed
them up for the short trip to the bottom of the hill and let them play in the
water. It is at this juncture I need to explain that up until we went to summer
camp we weren’t technically on a scouting adventure. We were more or less just
a bunch of friends camping and having a good time because some of the things we
did while camping were definitely “non-scouting” type activities. Which leads
me back to the waterslide. So we had a few adults do down the run and stage
themselves at the lower half to catch the kids before they flushed out into the
river (Yeah real safe isn’t it? Like I said we weren’t technically scouting at
this point). The kids had a blast, turned into prunes and had to be drug away
kicking and screaming. I considered that success number two!
On our last day in Ohiopyle we had a treat for the kids. We took
them to the zip-line adventure park which had a zip-line and ropes course. When
we arrived it was gorgeous; sunny and warm. We purchased our tickets but had to
wait for our turn and let the kids walk around and explore town. Next thing we
knew it was time for some zip-line fun and the kids got suited up in their
helmets and harnesses and got on the course. Within minutes it started to
drizzle. A few minutes after that it started to pour. Nothing fazed those kids.
In fact I think they had more fun because of the rain. By the time they were
done the rain had lessened and we had lunch in the local park. Looking back I
think the rain was the best thing that could have happened to us. Not only did
the kids seem to thrive in it, it soaked them to the bone and cleaned them up a
whole lot! I don’t know about you but it’s definitely a difficult task to get
nine and ten year olds to take a shower while camping. Success number three and
we were only half way through the week!
Now, my love for scouting runs deep. I have been to some awesome
summer camps, and Heritage has one of them, but while we were plagued with
chilly rainy weather while at Ohiopyle we were not as lucky at scout camp. Oh
it rained but it was the hot, sticky humid kind of rain. Nevertheless the kids
still had an outstanding time at camp. I’m not much on going to summer camp to
complete requirements for scout advancement. I’m much of the opinion that summer camp is
time for the boys to be, well, boys and to have fun and make memories and keep
them wanting to come back every year (thus keeping them in scouts). If they can
learn a thing of two at the same time, great, if not that's okay too.
While at camp most of the kids cut “class” in order to run around
and have fun or to head down to the lake to go fishing or swimming. The only “class”
they went to on a regular basis was rock climbing. Heritage has a pretty cool
rock wall for the kids to climb up. And it was with great pride that I saw out
scouts push themselves past their comfort zone and go hired then they had ever
gone before. Some didn’t make it to the top, but that’s okay. They gave it
their all, overcame their fears, and made it as far as they could. Others
struggled but pushed themselves past the point of exhaustion and managed to
finally make it to the top. Ryley was in that category and I must say I was
extremely impressed. Not only was I impressed with the physical achievement but
with the mental achievement as well. He isn’t afraid of heights but is on the
small side, stature wise, so his legs aren’t that long. The spaces on the rock
wall, at times, were just too far apart. But he had the desire, drive and
determination to get to the top and by the second day that’s exactly where he
ended up. Success number four.
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Ryley showing off his archery skills. |
A little sling shot never hurt anyone. |
Granted that wasn’t all the fun they had. Like many other scouts
they love to shoot things, from BB guns, to bows to sling shots. Heritage Scout
Reservation had all three and in the evenings we couldn’t keep the kids away
from shooting at something. But shooting sports aren’t really a “class” in my
book. That’s just considered good old fun!
Ryley with Cubmaster Seiss and his 15 inch largemouth. |
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